
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Installing the Oracle Data Base Cent OS 6.5 64 Bit


update the cent os 6.5

Login as a root and update the cent os as follows
yum update

The above command will update the cent os with latest packages.

update the sysctl.conf file

Login as a root and add the following system properties  in the /etc/sysctl.conf file. They are

kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 4123447296
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 6815744
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
net.core.wmem_max= 1048576
fs.aio-max-nr= 1048576

Update the sysctl properties

Login as a root and run the following command to update the system properties.

sysctl -p

update the limits.conf file

Login as a root and add the following security properties  in the /etc/security/limits.conf file. They are

<oracle user> soft nproc 2047
<oracle user> hard nproc 16384

<oracle user> soft nofile 1024
<oracle user> hard nofile 65536

session required /lib/security/
session required

Replace <oracle user> with actual user.

Unzip the database files

After unzip the file the database directory structure as follows.


Installing Database

Go to the database directory and execute the runInstaller file. After executing the runInstaller and it will display the following screen.

Click Next Button and It will display the following screen.

Click Next Button and It will display the following screen.

Select Create and configure database option and click Next Button and It will display the following screen.

I am installing the oracle data base in laptop. I have chosen the Desktop Class. If your installing the Server , choose Server Class option and Click Next.

Select the Character Set is AL32UTF8, Enter Global database name, Administrator Password, and Confirm Password. Remaining properties leave as it is. If you want you can change the Oracle Base, Software Location, Database file location etc. Click Next Button and It will display the following screen.

Leave default value in the Inventory Directory and Click Next Button and It will display the following screen.

Login as a root and install the above shown packages using yum install <package Name>. After installing the above packages click Check Again Button and It will display the following screen.

Select Ignore All Check Box and click Next button and it will display the following screen.

Click Yes Button and It will display the following screen.

Click Install button and it will display the following screen.

data base installation completed successfully and it will create the data base instance and it will shown as screen shot.

Click Password Management Button and it will display the following screen. 

The default accounts status shown on the above screen shot. If you need to modify any account, uncheck the lock account or password change. Click Ok button and it will display the following screen.

Login as a root user and execute the above commands in a sequence order.  

After executing the above commands and Click OK button and will display the following screen. 

Click Close button. The data base installation is successful.

Verify the Oracle Installation Successful

Export Oracle Environment Variables

source /usr/local/bin/oraenv

after executing the above command and it will ask the Oracle SID. In my example oracle sid is oim11gr2. 

Execute the sqlplus

Enter the sqlplus and it will as the oracle user name and oracle password. The user name is sys as sysdba and password is your sys password. If you login successfully without any issue, your data base installation is successfull. 

The above details are shown as a screen shot.

Post Installation Configuration

Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/db directory and edit the init.ora file and modify the following property values.

1. Increase Processes Size

The Oracle Identity Manager manager server throws the exception while starting the managed server. The exception is ORA-12516: TNS listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack. 

To resolve the above exception, and we need to increase the processes size from 150 to 300 depending the need.

 and modify the processes property value from 150 to 300.

2. Increase open_cursors size

The oracle Identity Manager open_cursors size is 800.

3. Restart the database server 

dbstart $ORACLE_HOME

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