
Monday, June 29, 2015

Kernal Panic - Not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)


I am getting the following error after updating the Linux System using yum update and rebooting the Linux Kernel Cent OS 7.

Kernal Panic - Not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)


1. Reboot the Linux Cent OS Virtual Machine.

2. Select the Existing Kernel from the Down Arrow.

3. Open the Terminal Window and Login as a root.

4. Remove the current kernel because the kernel got corrupted and execute the following command to remove the current kernel:

   yum remove kernel

5. Remove the yum cache because it will refer the older repositories from the cache. Execute the following command to clear the yum cache from the system:

   yum clean all

7. Update the Linux System because it will get the latest kernel from the yum repository. Execute the following command and it will update the kernel:

   yum update

8. Reboot the Virtual Machine and issue will be resolved. 

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