
Monday, July 21, 2014

Testing the ICF Connector User Provisioning in OIM Admin Console

Creating the IT Resource

Login to the OIM Admin Console. Click  --> Advanced --> Create IT Resource -->  Enter IT Resource Name is Application Data Base User and Select IT Resource Type is Data Base ICF Connector --> Continue --> Enter the driver is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver, url is jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl, userName is scott, password is your password, and environment is remote. --> Click Continue with default values to get the Finish button. Click Finish button and it will create the IT Resource.

Creating the Data Source

We need to create the data source in oim server. Go to the Web Logic Admin Console --> Services --> Data Sources --> New  --> Enter JNDI Name is mydatasource and Select Data base type is Oracle  --> Next --> Select Data Base Driver --> Next --> Next --> Enter Data Base Name, Host Name, Port, Data Base User Name, Password and Confirm Password --> Next  --> Next --> Select the Server is oim_server1 --> Finish. It will create the data source.

Restart the OIM Server

Login to the OIM Server machine and Go to the DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory and execute the following command to restart the web logic server

./ oim_server1 <OIM Admin Url>

./ oim_server1 <OIM Admin Url>

Testing the Connector Provisioning Operation

Login to the OIM Admin Console --> Search User --> Enter the user you want to seach -->  Click the user from the search list --> Click Resources tab --> Add -->  Select  Resource is Dabase ICF User --> Contiinue --> Continue -->  It will initiate the Provsioning. You will see user in the resources tab with Provisioning Status.

Click Open Form and Select the Data Base Server from the IT Resource List --> Click Save. It will Provisioned the user to target system and also status changed from provisioning to provisioned.


  1. So, i have done:
    1. Creating the IT Resource
    2. Creating the Data Source and doing a successful test connection.
    3. Restart the OIM Server
    However, when I go to step 4 (Testing the Connector Provisioning Operation) Login to the OIM Admin Console --> Search User --> Enter the user you want to seach --> Click the user from the search list -->
    At this point it says that I should see a "Resources Tab". However, I do not see any Resources Tab. I tried looking for it in the /identity and /sysadmin both. Can you please let me know where do i find the resources tab?

  2. Hi,

    I created a Custom ICF Connector for LDAP Directory, but on Provisioning account, I am getting IntegrationException : Connector ConnectorKey (bundleName = org.identityconenctors.ldap bundleVersion=1.0 connectorName = org.identityConnectors.ldap.LdapConnector) not found

    Can you please let me know where is the issue?

  3. Hi,

    Please check your MANIFEST file in custom ldap jar file. Map the bundle Name, bundle version, and connector Name in the manifest file.
