
Friday, July 13, 2012

tcReconciliationOperationsIntf API Example

The tcReconciliationOperationsIntf inteface API being used to create the Reconciliation Event in the Oracle Identity Manager repository.


Initial Setup.

Please follow the link and setup the OIM client environment to use to create the OIM Objects.

Client Code Setup

tcReconciliationOperationsIntf API Usage:

The following tasks needs to be performed to create the reconciliation event in the Oracle Identity Manager. They are

1.    Create the OIMClient Handle

OIMClient client= new OIMClient();

2.    Get tcReconciliationOperationsIntf service object

tcReconciliationOperationsIntf recon= client.getService(tcReconciliationOperationsIntf.class);

3.   Build the Reconciliation Data Resource Account

Map parentdata= new HashMap();
parentdata.put("First Name","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("Last Name","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("Middle Name","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("User Id","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("It Resource",IT Resource Key) ;
parentdata.put("Status","Enabled") ;

4.   Build the Reconciliation Child Data Resource Account

 Map childarr[]= new Map[2];

Map childdata1= new HashMap();
childdata1.put("Depart Ment","Sales") ;

Map childdata2= new HashMap();
childdata2.put("Depart Ment","Sales") ;


4.    Verifying the Reconciliation Event Creation

String resourceName="Resource Name";
boolean raiseevent=recon.ignoreEvent("Resource Name",parentdata);

boolean childevent=recon.ignoreEventAttributeData(resourceName,parentdata,"Maulivalued Attribute Name",childarr);

5.    Creating Reconciliation Event

long reconkey=-1
if(raiseevent || childevent)
   reconkey= recon. createReconciliationEvent(resourceName,parentdata,false);

6.    Creating Child Reconciliation Event

if(reconkey !=-1)
       for(Map childMap:childarr)
           recon.addDirectMultiAttributeData(reconkey, "Maulivalued Attribute Name", childMap);
         recon.providingAllMultiAttributeData(reconkey, "Maulivalued Attribute Name", true);

7.    Completing the Reconciliation Event


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