Initial Setup.
Please follow the link and setup the OIM client environment to use to create the OIM Objects.Client Code Setup
tcReconciliationOperationsIntf API Usage:
The following tasks needs to be performed to create the reconciliation event in the Oracle Identity Manager. They are1. Create the OIMClient Handle
OIMClient client= new OIMClient();
2. Get tcReconciliationOperationsIntf service object
tcReconciliationOperationsIntf recon= client.getService(tcReconciliationOperationsIntf.class);
3. Build the Reconciliation Data Resource Account
Map parentdata= new HashMap();
parentdata.put("First Name","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("Last Name","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("Middle Name","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("User Id","xxf") ;
parentdata.put("It Resource",IT Resource Key) ;
parentdata.put("Status","Enabled") ;
4. Build the Reconciliation Child Data Resource Account
Map childarr[]= new Map[2];
Map childdata1= new HashMap();
childdata1.put("Depart Ment","Sales") ;
Map childdata2= new HashMap();
childdata2.put("Depart Ment","Sales") ;
4. Verifying the Reconciliation Event Creation
String resourceName="Resource Name";
boolean raiseevent=recon.ignoreEvent("Resource Name",parentdata);
boolean childevent=recon.ignoreEventAttributeData(resourceName,parentdata,"Maulivalued Attribute Name",childarr);
5. Creating Reconciliation Event
long reconkey=-1
if(raiseevent || childevent)
reconkey= recon. createReconciliationEvent(resourceName,parentdata,false);
6. Creating Child Reconciliation Event
if(reconkey !=-1)
for(Map childMap:childarr)
recon.addDirectMultiAttributeData(reconkey, "Maulivalued Attribute Name", childMap);
recon.providingAllMultiAttributeData(reconkey, "Maulivalued Attribute Name", true);
7. Completing the Reconciliation Event
Thank you! The article was very useful.