Removing the Target Resource from the OIM Resource View.
The following sql queries needs to be executed to remove the User from OIM Resource view. They are
1. Finding the ORC Child Tables.
select p.owner parent_table_owner,
p.table_name parent_table_name,
c.owner child_table_owner,
c.table_name child_table_name
from dba_constraints p,
dba_constraints c
where p.owner = 'DEV_OIM'
and p.table_name = 'ORC'
and p.constraint_type = 'P'
and c.r_owner = p.owner
and c.r_constraint_name = p.constraint_name
2 Delete from OSH Table
delete from OSH where SCH_KEY in (Select SCH_KEY from OSI where orc_key='3014702');
3 Delete from OIU table
delete from OIU where orc_key='3014702';
4. Select the SCH Keys from the OSI Table
Select SCH_KEY from OSI where orc_key='3014702'
5. Substitute the SCH Keys from the OSI Table SCH_KEY to remove the SCH table
delete from SCH where SCH_KEY in ('SCH_KEY1','SCH_KEy2','SCH_KEY3');
6. Delete the OSI table
delete from OSI where orc_key='3014702';
7. Execute the Step 5 to delete the SCH data
8 Delete the Target Resource User Table. In my case UD_ADUSER is my target table
delete from ud_ADUSER where orc_key='3014702';
9. Delete the OTI Table
delete from OTI where orc_key='3014702';
10. Delete the ORC Table
delete from orc where orc_key='3014702';
The following sql queries needs to be executed to remove the User from OIM Resource view. They are
1. Finding the ORC Child Tables.
select p.owner parent_table_owner,
p.table_name parent_table_name,
c.owner child_table_owner,
c.table_name child_table_name
from dba_constraints p,
dba_constraints c
where p.owner = 'DEV_OIM'
and p.table_name = 'ORC'
and p.constraint_type = 'P'
and c.r_owner = p.owner
and c.r_constraint_name = p.constraint_name
2 Delete from OSH Table
delete from OSH where SCH_KEY in (Select SCH_KEY from OSI where orc_key='3014702');
3 Delete from OIU table
delete from OIU where orc_key='3014702';
4. Select the SCH Keys from the OSI Table
Select SCH_KEY from OSI where orc_key='3014702'
5. Substitute the SCH Keys from the OSI Table SCH_KEY to remove the SCH table
delete from SCH where SCH_KEY in ('SCH_KEY1','SCH_KEy2','SCH_KEY3');
6. Delete the OSI table
delete from OSI where orc_key='3014702';
7. Execute the Step 5 to delete the SCH data
8 Delete the Target Resource User Table. In my case UD_ADUSER is my target table
delete from ud_ADUSER where orc_key='3014702';
9. Delete the OTI Table
delete from OTI where orc_key='3014702';
10. Delete the ORC Table
delete from orc where orc_key='3014702';
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